Bluehost webhosting - reviews and testimonials
User reviews
BlueHost Hosting Company
I've been with them for years. They have a 24 hour chat answering service who know exactly which department to direct you too for assistance. The platform is easy to work with if there was anything I didn't know how to find I simply asked, they responded to everything I wanted. Basically my experience has been extremely positive, I've started a new website and have chosen to continue using them.
It's possible that you could find cheaper companies out there but the bottom line is their amazing response service and help when-you-need-it is worth the few extra coins.
Please feel free to visit my site and see for yourself and leave a comment.
Wishing everyone lots of success!
עוד פרטים
A sweet and high quality hosting company, they get the job done
I enjoyed using it
עוד פרטים
At best its terribly slow and the server crashes constantly.
עוד פרטים
Very easy to find your way around the site and therefore deserve a high score
עוד פרטים
Women's Physiotherapy - Preventative treatment, rehabilitation and Pelvic Floor problems
האיחסון טוב מבחינת ממשק, וכנראה גם יציבות (לא נתקלתי בבעיות יציבות כלל). לעומת זאת, כמתחיל, נדרשתי לעיתים לקצת יותר מתמיכה עבור האיחסון בלבד ואת זה לא קיבלתי מהם (הפנו אותי לגורם שלישי-תיכנות- ואפילו לא ידעו להגיד לי איך אני יכול למצוא כזה). בשרות איחסון מקביל (i-page) עזרו לי לפתור כל תקלה שנתקלתי בה!
בנוסף, לא ברור בפניה לתמיכה מיקומך בתוך מערך התמיכה הכולל מבחינת זמן תגובה (שוב, בניגוד לקיים ב-ipage שם מוצג תוך כדי המתנה מצב התור).
לסיכום: ממליץ לחלוטין למי שיודע מה הוא עושה, קצת פחות למי שצריך את התמיכה של newbe...
עוד פרטים
Fabulous webhosting
Fabulous webhosting
עוד פרטים
Amazing service
I've needed the help of the support service twice so far. They answered within just a few minutes and politely walked me through dealing with the issues until they were solved.
Amazing webhosting service
עוד פרטים
They provide a good, reliable service.
עוד פרטים
Highly recommended!
A reliable company, rapid response, always helpful even if you want to cancel your order. They refund money quickly with no animosity.
All in all an amazing company.
עוד פרטים
Recommendation for BlueHost webhosting company
This hosting site provides a seemingly straightforward product.
You get hosting with no problems and at a relatively low cost.
עוד פרטים
A reliable and convenient to manage service at a great price.
עוד פרטים
Convenient, friendly, cheap and reliable.
עוד פרטים
A great, professional company.
Reasonable prices
עוד פרטים
Great company
I built my own website and had it hosted by BlueHost.
I actually knew nothing about hosting or building websites, everything I know I learned from the (amazing) training that I received from Uri.
So even an ignoramus like me can manage, successfully, with the help of the efficient, supportive service team they provide!
Basically we're talking about good value and a fair investment, and it's definitely the lowest cost.
עוד פרטים
I've just started and all in all I'm satisfied
Thanks Uri
I've not had any experience with other companies but I'm very satisfied with this one.
Sometimes I've had to wait quite a long time for a response (particularly on chat), however they are very efficient and helpful. On two occasions I purchased extra support and when BlueHost got back to me they refunded the amount immediately.
עוד פרטים
I transferred to this site from a different host.
Thanks to Uri the transfer was simple and easy and the site runs without any glitches.
Thank you!
עוד פרטים
Easy to operate and user-friendly, especially with the help of Uri's training.
עוד פרטים
High quality service and reliability
עוד פרטים
really great
really great service