Build a FREE website - site building course from WordPress
Wordpress is the leading CMS website building platform in the wordl today.
With Wordpress you can build any kind of website, easily and quickly.
This Wordpress course will show you how in 5 short and easy to follow videos.
User reviews

קורס מעולה!
קורס מעולה למי שלא יודע לקדם בצורה אורגנית, ממליץ מאוד
עוד פרטים

great course
with that course it's was allmost simple to build a website on the Internet.
i am very satisfied from the outcome.
עוד פרטים

Excellent and Recommended Course
Great Course, Profesional, Great teacher. Makes everything very simple.
I'm following this person for a very very long time,
and enjoing everything he shares.
עוד פרטים

Excellent course
I could not believe that I could build a website on the Internet so easily. Free, excellent course, highly recommended.
עוד פרטים

Amazing course, user-friendly and suitable for all different types of websites.
Uri and his team respond effectively to all questions on the forum.
Thank you
עוד פרטים

I have only participated in part of the course, it's a shame that being orthodox and having no access to YouTube has prevented me from doing more.
I'd really appreciate it if the videos could be uploaded on to website itself.
עוד פרטים

Thank you so much
Thank you so much for the excellent course. You give over the material expertly, in a clear and organized manner. I'm in the first stages of building my website and you have helped me massively on my way.
I look forward to doing other courses with you!
עוד פרטים

The course is really great, I've learned so much.
Thank you
עוד פרטים

Professional course! Fast and effective
Thank you so much for this WordPress site building course!
It’s clear, fast, explained well, the teacher is a really witty guy! And… it’s free! So the course is totally great - one small complaint is that the explanatory videos that accompany the course switch, a little confusingly, between the two systems WordPress and Joomla - I guess that’s not too awful though, and aside from that everything is good, easy to understand, and more than concise enough for someone to start building a website completely on their own.
Before this course I would never have believed that I could build a website myself - Within just 5 days I have suddenly discovered that it’s possible to doing something that I never thought I would, absolutely shocked!
עוד פרטים

Wow! I've never seen a teacher explain things as simply as this, and he is crazy meticulous!
I feel so completely motivated now and it was all free of charge, in my opinion he is a truly great man.
עוד פרטים

The course is wonderful, it's very clear and makes site building so simple and easy.
עוד פרטים

Thank you
After the guys at Mamon set up my site for me, at least at the start, it was incredibly easy.
I can see from the way that Uri gives over his course, with clear examples and concise explanations, that I will be able to build the site I have planned.
I strongly advise all novices, like me, to steer clear of the flood of other people offering site building courses, programs and other services as soon as your website is live. This is the only course you need!
Thank you to Uri and the Mamon team for the course and the support.
עוד פרטים

What a brilliant, helpful and useful course!
Thank you so much for your availability and professional guidance.
It's been delightful! ...and now I have a website :)
עוד פרטים

To be honest, at first I was a bit scared to try this kind of thing. I had wanted to break through that blockage for a long time and so when I had a look at the clear and professional videos on this course - level after level explained concisely and so easy to understand - it gave me the courage I needed - I signed up and began to build a website.
I’m not yet finished but I’m so excited by what I have achieved, having finally embarked upon this task, and I am deeply grateful to you.
Thank you ever so much
I truly hope you go from strength to strength
עוד פרטים

This is a clear, engaging, interesting and relevant course which I recommend highly.
Thank you for putting together such a useful program
עוד פרטים

Uri had guided, supported and advised me with understanding and a friendly approach.
Thank you!!
עוד פרטים

Thank you thank you thank you
Hello Uri my friend!
It’s taken me awhile to type up this thank you, but I knew I had to as it’s something you very much deserve. About a year ago I signed up to the mailing list for your WordPress website building course. It was another half a year until I plucked up the courage to actually try it out.
I am so grateful - At the beginning it seemed way beyond me, I thought it would be too hard. But! I persevered, followed your clear, explanatory videos and, in the end, I had built my site with WordPress.
Looking back now it was so simple and, as someone who had websites with Joomla and Drupal and was wasting a lot money every month on web developers, I am happy to have built my own sites from scratch.
I have no doubt that you have expanded my opportunities and I’m so glad that I’ve now got these skills under my belt.
A massive thanks for everything
Here are links to the sites I’ve built completely on my own, don’t worry! It’s easy, fun and will save you tons money every year!
Thank you
עוד פרטים

Thank you so much
Dear Uri,
I really enjoyed the simplicity of your explanations, the clear wording and user-friendly applications.
They helped me a lot and I think that anyone could benefit massively from this course.
Thank you and wishing you a lot of success
עוד פרטים

Brilliant course and easy to understand! Thank you
A professional course delivered in a fluent and simple manner.
Thank you so much Uri.
I am still working on my website and so, though it's not yet published, I have learned ever so much.
עוד פרטים

Fantastic course!
Amazing course and Uri delivered it with professionalism and eloquence.
Great job!